Workshop organised by HAREDA in association with ASSOCHAM and DNRE
Chandigarh: Department of New and Renewable Energy (DNRE) Haryana, and Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA), in association with the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM), organized a one-day Workshop on the Demand Side Management (DSM) prospectives for Distribution Companies (DISCOMs) with the objective of strengthening the capacity of DISCOMs, thereby enabling them to carry out effective DSM measures in their respective areas. Mr Niraj, IAS, Additional Deputy Commissioner, Hisar, was the chief guest. Officials from DNRE, HAREDA, Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) and representatives of various Government Departments participated in the workshop. Mr Sukhchain Singh, Project Manager, HAREDA highlighted initiatives of the Center and State Governments along with the role of DISCOMs and its officers. Mr Ravinder Singh Chandla, Regional Director, ASSOCHAM North, highlighted initiatives of ASSOCHAM along with its GEM Sustainabili...